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- Di Più... (lista intera)
In another video, i set out the plan. This video sets the plan in motion. This is the make it or break it video. The do or die video. The video that once she sees it, and it will be within a very short period of time, shes going to have to decide what to do with the information that has been revealed. What does the future hold after this? Who knows. Perhaps a new video will be added amongst the others, but that vudeo ends with me dropping a load on her back - or better yet, on her chin or maybe she's to much of a ride or die bitch and will decide to stay with her domineering, overbearing, gutless, piece-of- current bf and never want to see me again.Buckle up ladies and gentlemen. This rides gonna be wild! This rudeboy thinks it could go either way, but bets that Chrissy's lips (either/or, or both) will soon be planted on My face, around my shaft, or hopefully both.Time will tell. This sets it in motion. The Game has begun.
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